Value with camera and microphone

We produce your film idea with the greatest pleasure and technical expertise. Depending on the effort, we are very happy to travel by public transport.

Complete package or individual work

We can be on site with the whole team, documenting events and projects, conducting interviews and setting up and lighting a set. If film material is already available, we cut with heart, process the colors with calibrated monitors and also mix the sound.

Pre production

Brainstorming, scheduling, location search ... we implement all of this in close cooperation with you. We check whether the content that has already been developed fits into the desired format and make sure that all open questions have been clarified by the time of implementation.

Multicam equipment

We have mobile 4K cameras, lights for all situations and microphones for interviews, documentaries and film recordings. If the project allows it, we can even travel there by public transport. We don't rent technology, we love our tools.


Together we plan the shoot flexibly and reliably, film creatively with high-quality equipment and are happy to involve you on the set. Multiple camera angles, great light, clear sound and a comfortable atmosphere - we take care of everything.

Video editing

Even after years of experience in film agencies, we continue to develop in the field of post-production. We edit our films with the latest Adobe Premiere and DaVinci Resolve versions and also offer video editing workshops here.

Color Grading

A harmonious color editing makes the film look even better and can underline the right mood. We like to lock ourselves in the darkened studio and tweak the color controls until everything matches.


Animations not only enhance films, but also complex facts can be presented easily and understandably through animated illustrations and graphics.

Audio editing

Interviews and voiceover tracks, the underlying atmosphere that matches the images and the music must all be in tune with one another. We are happy to make recommendations for the right background music.


Once the production is complete, we are happy to publish the resulting work on the desired video platform of your choice; GDPR-compliant, self-hosted solutions are also possible.

A little insight into our previous film productions


Das Programm zukunft.niedersachsen denkt ökologisch, sozial und ökonomisch und bringt Forschung, Lehre und Transfer in Niedersachsen voran: im gemeinsamen Förderprogramm des Niedersächsischen Ministeriums für Wissenschaft und Kultur und der VolkswagenStiftung. Dazu portraitieren wir verschiedenste Wissenschaftler*innen aus der Spitzenforschung.

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Link zum vollständigen Film

„Uns gefällt das Video sehr, insbesondere die Drohnenaufnahmen sind total schön geworden.“
Malene Hummel, Online-Redaktion VolkswagenStiftung

Katja trifft…

With the Transport Development Plan 2035+, the Hanover region has set itself the goal of becoming climate neutral. The mobile network brings together the actors from all municipalities in the region and supports implementation. In this 12-part series, network ambassador Katja Diehl traveled to innovative projects and thus shows the growing sustainable mobility in Hanover and the region.

Link to website
Link zur Serie

„Film und Kurzfassung gefallen mir sehr gut. Herzlichen Dank!“
Melanie Saraval, Region Hannover, Fachbereich Verkehr

Literaturhaus Hannover

Die Arbeit der Kultureinrichtung Literaturhaus Hannover widmet sich der Literatur und bietet Programme rund ums Buch, Kunst und Gesellschaft. In unserem Film werden die vielfältigen Projekte vorgestellt und erklärt, wie Literatur zum Austausch anregt und Menschen verbindet.

Link to website
Link zum vollständigen Film

„Der Film ist wirklich toll geworden!“
Leandra Ossege, Literaturhaus Hannover e.V.


We produced a series for the Lower Saxony Ministry for Science and Culture about people who fled, were deported or expelled during World War II and now live in Lower Saxony.

Link to website
Link zum vollständigen Film

„Vielen Dank für den Film. Wir sind sehr angetan, die gut 10 Minuten sind äußerst interessant geschnitten.“
Dr. Christopher Spatz, Niedersächsisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur

Verzahnung von Arbeits- und Gesundheitsförderung in der kommunalen Lebenswelt

The aim of this project, which has existed since 2017, is to improve the quality of life and equal opportunities for unemployed people in Lower Saxony in the long term and at the same time to make it easier to re-enter the labor market.

Link to website
Link zum vollständigen Film

Gewinnerfilme Niedersächsischer Gesundheitspreis

The Niedersächsiche Ministerium für Soziales, Arbeit, Gesundheit und Gleichstellung commissioned us to produce three films about the winners and their projects on preventive health care for children before school starts, digital support for pregnant women and help for siblings of seriously ill children during the pandemic.

Link to website
Link zum vollständigen Film

"Me and we thank you, you did a great job."
Silke von der Kammer, Niedersächsisches Ministerium für Soziales, Arbeit, Gesundheit und Gleichstellung

Autonome Öffnungen in Jugendzentren

In order to promote participation in open child and youth work, the idea of ​​“autonomous openings” was taken up as part of the PEPBS project. Young people organize their time in the youth center independently and without the presence of specialists.

Link to website
Link zum vollständigen Film

“Wow, the video turned out really great! Thank you for the great work!”
Jan Fischer, Fachreferent LVG & AFS Niedersachsen e.V.

Everything starts with a mail